A Blueprint to Changing a Nation and Fulfilling Genesis


This essay was inspired by a great conversation I had with Martin, our Financial Services Lead at Shukran. From a whiteboarding session, we crafted a draft blueprint to address the greatest challenge facing us as Kenyans—our nation’s prosperity, or rather, the lack of it. Our country has been captured by state actors and corrupt individuals who seek only personal gain at the expense of everyone else.

In such situations, it often feels hopeless. There seems to be no savior, no clear means to fight these forces of evil. However, this is my rallying call to all patriots of this nation to break free from the mental shackles of defeat and think of ways in which they can be agents of change.

In this endeavor, Martin and I have taken the first step in becoming those agents of change—to show Kenyans and Africans that we can create solutions to improve our country. You will never know where you are going if you have no plan. Yet, a plan is one thing; executing that plan is another.

God willing, this will not just remain a plan but evolve into a manifesto, a strategy for action, and ultimately, a task embraced by all men and women of Kenya.

But wait, what Genesis is being fulfilled? Remember in the Bible when God created man and told him to take care of the birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and the animals on the land. With all the prosperity and freedom we aim to achieve with this plan, we must always remember that we are not merely beneficiaries but stewards of the universe we have been given. We must care for it, preserve it, use it, explore it, lead it, and ultimately, be grateful for it. We must fulfill our purpose—fulfill Genesis.

Kind regards,
The Mathnuscripts.

Click here for full image of blueprint here

A Blueprint to Changing a Nation and Fulfilling Genesis.png