The Curse of the Gifted

The curse of the gifted. Because they are too gifted, they think that things will be handed down to them. In primary school, we are told about the A students who work for the B students and the C students hire the B students. The C students rule it all. It is similar to the story of the men who only know how to manage things will always be managed by the men who manage people. The men who manage money run all. In this story, our teacher told us that smart people who work in offices are complacent, ungrateful and entitled. They think that they should get more money, more praise and more authority. Because of their gifts, they believe it should be their ticket to greater heights. Unfortunately, there is a ceiling for these kinds of people. Anything worth something is not given, it is taken.

The "dumb" students don't have those gifts. They are not smart, they failed in school, they don't have the status of high grades and prestigious schools. Because they don't have these things, they have no choice but to work hard. Any opportunity that they are given is a chance to prove themselves, to show that they are worth something. They never feel enough because their formative years were full of ridicule, doubt and no praise. If this person's only option was to be a farmer, with time, he will be wealthier, happier and more influential than the smart guy with his tight tie around his neck.